Cystic Fibrosis

         Cystic Fibrosis-also called Cf, Mucoviscidosis, and Fibrocystic disease- is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation of the CTFR gene on human chromosome 7. This gene makes a protein that controls the mucus, sweat, tears, saliva, and digestive enzymes in your body. CF is also named after this gene. When this gene malfunctions, the mucus in your body becomes thicker than it is supposed to be. For the majority, this disease mostly affects their lung function. The mucus “clogs” the lungs and makes it harder to breathe. It is almost comparable to severe asthma. CF causes poor growth and can lead to many other health risks later in life. There are many treatment options for CF, from medications to physical therapy, but no cure. Unfortunately, CF patients cannot meet in public for support groups because of the danger of infection, so they have cyber groups instead where they can encourage each others’ journey.

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